An Education In Intoxication
Beers A-Ha
Atlas - Three Sisters (4.2%)

Barum - American IPA (5.5%)

Barum - Barumburg Lager (5.1%)

Beartown - Ginger Bear (4.0%)

Beartown - Wheat Bear (5.0%)

Blindman - Golden Spring (3.8%)

Boat - Bugger Lugs (4.0%)

Broadstone - Best (4.2%)

Broadstone - Ladywell (4.0%)

Bullmastiff - Bull's Eye (4.6%)

Cairngorm - Sheepshaggers (4.5%)

Cairngorm - Black Gold (4.4%)

City of Cambridge - Abbey Icebreaker (4.2%)

Copper Dragon - Best (3.8%)

Copper Dragon - Conqueror (4.3%)

Cwmbran - Full Malty Extra (4.8%)

Cwmbran - Hoppy Porter (4.8%)

Cwmbran - Tall Dark Stranger (6.0%)

Dark Star - Espresso Stout (4.2%)

Glastonbury - Spring Loaded (4.4%)

Greenfield - Greenfield Ale (4.0%)

Greenfield - Dobs Cross Bitter (4.2%)

Greenfield - Friesland Ale (4.4%)

Hadrian & Borders - Great Expectations (4.3%)

Hampshire - Hare (5.0%)

Hampshire - Tail of the Dragon (4.2%)

Harviestoun - IPA (4.1%)

Beer Festival 4th-6th April 2003

In order to properly bring in the Spring, The Turf Tavern organised a beer festival with ales from breweries all over the country. There were over 60 to choose from, many from smaller breweries, including some ales exclusive to our festival.

Let's introduce the stars of the show - the beers. You can see about 30 of the 60 we were selling here.

The troops stand ready.

Our back garden, where we held the beer festival.

Another photo to show a lot of the beers.

Some people enjoy the sunshine in the side garden.

Saturday night and the beer is still flowing. Mmm, beer.

So that's where all the Espresso Stout went!

Beers He-Z
Heather Ales - Organic Lager (4.4%)

Heather Ales - Tartan Swirl (5%)

Heather Ales - Porridge Stout (4.4%)

Hobdens - Strathmore Stunner (4.2%)

Hobdens - Wylye Old Weasel (5.2%)

Hobdens - Russian Stout (9.0%)

Houston - Auld Scoop (4.5%)

Houston - Devil's Advocate (3.9%)

Itchen Valley - Treacle Stout (4.4%)

Khean - Village Green (4.0%)

Leek - Staffordshire Bitter (4.2%)

Leek - St Edward's Ale (4.7%)

Oxford - The Inspector's Quaff (4.1%)

Oxford - Turfed In (4.1%)

Oxford - Turfed Out (4.1%)

Porchester - Battering Ram (5.0%)

RCH - Spring Steam

Springhead - Bare Bones (4.7%)

St George's - England's Glory (4.2%)

T. Watkin - Cwrw Ceridwn (4.2%)

Warcop - Printers (4.6%)

Warcop - Warpaint (8.0%)

York - Bunny Hop (3.9%)

(There were 50 festival ales and 11 ales on the bar - this list is the festival ales only).
All Content © 2003 Robert Church - Adapted from a Point Click Kill design.